woensdag, februari 28, 2007

Build your own social site

I think I have found a new possible hit for 2007 and it's called Ning. A social community website, but different from it's ancestors like MySpace, FaceBook and here in The Netherlands, Hyves. The biggest advantage of Ning is that you can literally add anything you want and not being restricted to the limits of a pre-set community website.

Keep your eyes open for it, for I believe it will be quite a blast.

On another note; I am testing Joost for Mac 0.8 beta. I will keep you posted on my experiences there.

dinsdag, februari 20, 2007

ViaCom to sign deal with Joost

Joost is still in heavy development fase, but is already forging business deals. In this case Viacom - owner of for instance MTV, iFilm and the likes - is talking with Joost to set up a content deal.

Interesting because ViaCom recently ordered YouTube to delete all copyright-protected content owned by Viacom from YouTube.


vrijdag, februari 02, 2007

The Big 3 Compared

In social media there are currently 3 big players in the market of social media.


Although Digg is the most common known and most visible, these 3 websites define the social media tree. Therefor it is nice to read a comparison between these 3 sites.
